July 2024 Issue

Join us for insight on the NFPA Hazmat Response Standard, learn a bit about Cross-Sensitivity, take an inside look at building The Response, and clean...

The Response

Rob Mercer Things never happen in a way we anticipate. This fact could very well be called job security for those in Public Safety, as...

The conundrum of cross sensitivity!

Toby Bevelacqua Let’s first define cross sensitivity or sometimes called restrictive gases, or interference gases, either name suggests that when a gas other than the...

Soapy Water

Kevin Ryan Simplicity has always been one of the most effective tools in handling hazmat responses. Dynamic environments faced in the emergency response world demand...

PPE, A False Sense of Security

Kevin Ryan I recently had a discussion with (2) experienced veterans of the Baltimore City FD about our Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The members had...

HazMat Engines

Tony Perrone Entering the fire service demands a mastery of numerous disciplines. Whether you’re a fresh-faced probie emerging from training or a seasoned veteran counting...

Understanding Auto-Refrigeration

Michael S. Hildebrand, CSP What is Auto-Refrigeration?  Auto-refrigeration can be experienced with liquefied compressed gases including Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG), Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG), chlorine,...

June 2024 Issue

Chill and learn about Auto-refrigeration and the tactical advantages of Hazmat Engines. Gain some insight into the dangers of “garage scientists” and challenge your understanding...